I 79 enl E17 Thursday, December 5, Musical Inst 824 EYBOARD KURZWEIL EG-20, voice, midi voices. $2200. all 229-2556 after 6pm. PA' EQUIPMENT Crown PB2 Power Amp, 400 watts per side, like new cond. $495.
NADY Diversity Wireless headset mics, like new cond, $295. 993-3424. PIANO -Baby grand. High gloss black. $3500.
956-7969, after 5. PIANO BABY GRAND SEE CLASS 804 CHASTAIN ESTATE SALE PIANO -Baby grand, Wurlitzer. Excellent condition. $3,000 firm. Roswell area.
587-0737 PIANO Baby Grand, 5 ft. Early 1900's Knabe. Black laquer. Fully restored. $5500.
772-1537 664-7144 after 7 PIANO BALDWIN BABY GRAND Refinished and reconditioned. Must sell. 739-8897. PIANO Baldwin Upright. Excellent condition.
Moving sale. $995 351-7069 PIANO Beautiful Baby Grand, Teacher selling, good condition. $2095. Delivery. 642-9701.
PIANO beautiful mahogany Upright. $595. 961-0311 GRAND 6. Ft. Refinished and rebuilt.
Excellent condition, still under warranty. Must sell. $8500. 739-8897. PIANO GLOSS BLACK, BABY GRAND, PERFECT COND, MUST SELL, $4000.
993-8847 FRENCH Mahogany console with bench. $700. 371-9131: 938-1056. PIANO Kohler Campbell, good condition, $850, 491-1380. PIANO Mason Hamlin 1928.
5'. 8" black, Original interior, sweet tone. $5,000. 404-267-4747. KEYBOARD CLEARANCE CENTER Select from FACTORY CRATE, RENTAL RETURN, SCRATCH DENT, REPO and USED.
Some as is. most with warranty. Most all bronds available new or used. SOUTHERN KEYBOARDS ATLANTA TUCK. 457-2087 PIANO-Pre-Christmas Clearance Baby Grands, Spinets, consoles.
Big selection. 10 yr wrnty 434-9368. PIANO Rentals, Long and short term. Call Baldwin for details. 952-7982 476-7481 728-9494 PIANO Rhodes MK-80 electric piMIDI, $1,500.
Dickson 3-fler keyboard stand, $150. 772-8528. PIANOS LOOKING FOR A BARGIN IN A USED PIANO? CALL 458-401 FOR RECORDED INFO. PIANOS No Risk Rentals. Quality instruments with full 12 year warranty.
Also, lease purchase Piano Gallery, 351-0550. PIANOS Refinisher selling collection of quality grands. 6' Steinway, Ebony. $9500. 5 10" Hardmon Rococco Ebony 1 case.
2 Louis XV cases 1 Ebony, Walnut. 5'7" Weber $3800. 5'8 Henry Miller $4500. 5'21 Knobe $2800. Steinway upright in rosewood $3500.
457-7452 PIANOS SPECIAL SALE Drestic reduction in prices Baby Grand, Self Players, Small UpMouldin Piano Co. 344-4900. EN PIANOS Top cash paid for your piano. Call Mike C. al 476-7481.
PIANO. Whitehall spinet, bench, made by Kimbell, very good cond. $495 obo. 914-0304. PIANO Yamaha Clavanova CVP8 Electric, excellent condition, original $4600.
Askobo. 432-4000; 952-4523. PIANO YAMAHA Clavinava Electric. Like new, $1190 636-3743 PIANO 11 KORG 3500 $2,200 Sampiano in and Inaccessories. $1,800.
279-0001 SAXOPHONE Bundy Selma, Good Condi3400. 691-5059. A (2) $725 ea. Peavey 3020 HT speaker cabinets power amp. Serious inquiries.
Eric, 381-0764, aft 447-1083, lv msg. VICES Practicallynew. 15 81 $1200. Stuart, 469-5061. RECORDING GEAR- SALE RHYTHM CITY 237-7661 LOO CD Processor; Tripplite Discrete Technology Interconnect.
8400. (404) 229-9430. A DID RESEARCH SP- tail $1500; selling for $600. Lv. msg WANTED: Old Mcintosh, Altec, Ornaco, JBL, E.V.
Marantz, ARC, HK, AR, Fisher, Lux, Levinson. 713-724-4343. 20.0 0 828 CAMCORDER, Sony, CCD. Excelcondition. Bop, extra batCall 92-2211.
LASER PLAYER Pioneer Model CLD 1070. Pd. $699; asking OBO. 434-3209 Angela NEC TELEVISION Big screen, 46 much, stereo, like new. $899.
169. TI TENDO ACTION SET 13 and MORE! $300. MINTENDO with box, NES advanjoy stick, 3 $100 Call 237-0197 A CLOSED CIRCUIT TV equip5 cameras with with outdoor tilt houses pan and 200m lens. Remote controlled with monitors. New cast $14,000.
Our price $5200. RCA 35" in color T.V. $1900. Call 664-3608. SANYO TV 35" Big Screen, remate, less than 2 yrs old, sacrifice 51000.
606-6139. SATELITE Unisom, Dishes 2 Boxes. $1000. Call 1-404-844-9897 SATELLITE DISH $600 45" TV RCA $600 533-0624 dig bor SATELLITE SYSTEM Complete with bullt-in descrambler, remote 71 ft aluminum dish, all electronic, coble. $1950 inCall 972-2114.
SATELLITE SYSTEM a month, no money down. NINTENDO Still in Box. $150 firm. 918-8249. TV.
Sony Mahogany console. Remote. Like new. $500. VCR 19" color, $45, VCR, Console, $125.
In good condiportable, $100. VCR, $75. Console 25" color. $175. CD player $10 UNDERWATER CAMERA equipment.
cameras with monitors. bullf in $3200. pan 2 lights, 2 VaR Magnavox 4 head, like-new, with accessories. $200. VER with remote, 14 days 4 4 4 4 4 4 event peramming $120, excellent buy.
VIDEO ARCADE GAMES (100), $300 to 1800. Great for Christmos. VIDEO, PROJECTORS Barco, Sharp Vision. picfamily. Xmas present.
VCR WANTED TOP 830 PC'S Lowest prices or $35-540 month. Free Call me now 279-2100 COMPLETE system Including monitor from year warranty, or -2000 hd Bridgemeg HD two floppy drives. Software mouse inc. 3. 640 20 Mag HD, UR I monitor $500.
COMPUTERCOLOR Monitor, 2 alec drive, Imwriter color printer. software. $700. DANG OLUFSEN 4500, recelver, cassette, CD, speakers. Unused.
$2500. Steve 972 5850-before tpm UVA BAZOOKA Speakers SASTE2-A I amplified Retail each, will sell 2 for $250 Glenn (w)941-9000 DO MI Mint, $1200 (pair); Carver Power Amp 375 Matte per channel, excellent condition, original boxes. 461-6572 0200) 229-6452-wk. MEER CD, Tuner, Amp, EQ. al cassette, speakers.
Only $800. Poser 570-2930. STEREO FESTIVAL: I AUDIO AND VIDEO SUPERSTORE 9201 623-1640 STEREO Kenwood UD ponents. compact system. CD, cassette, receiver, tuner, 2 speakOrig.
boxes, warr. cards. Re- CLASSIFIED The Atlanta Journal The Atlanta Constitution Computers 830 APPLE TIC With CMon, Image 3.5 drive, mouse, loystick, appleworks, software, manuals, like new in boxes. $850. 565-3034.
APPLE Epson printer, monitor, desk, software, $445 OBO. Quick sale. 368-8846 APPLE JIGS with drive, color monitor, mouse, system saver, Image Writer 11 printer, software, all manual boxes. $1300. 968-5947.
APPLE 1IGS 3.5 5.25 drives, modem, color monitor, Image Writer I1 printer, $1300. 498-6280. AT COMPUTERS Tower case, 1mb Ram. 1.2/1.44 floppy, AT 101 KB. VGA mon.
card, 40 mb HD, In box, 286, 16mhz, $750, 386-SX, $829, 386-25, $975, 64K, $1200, yr. warr. 723-2446. AT-PC UPGRADE KITS, I'll convert your slow PC to a new speed demon in just one day. 286-16 $135; 386-16 $225; 386-25 $340; 386-40 $459; 939-1687.
AT Tower Case, 1 MB RAM. ATIO, 1.2& 1.44 101 KB VGA 40 MB, 386 386-25, $1116. $1219. 256K, $1691. warr 487-62941 AT 386 Super VGA, 80 MEG HD $1500 OBO.
933-0123 AT 386-33 with 64K Cache, 1MR, 1.2FD, 40MHD, 101KB, 1G, SVGA monitor, lyr, warr. $1299 447-5607. AT Tower, 8 MB mem, 211 MB HD, 1.2 1.44 FD, HI-RES VGA Card, 250 W.P.S., many extras. $2500. (404) 889-2802.
AT 486 Cache, 1.21.44 floppy. TWR case. 40mb VGA mon. card. Imb, ram.
Year warranty, $1550. 723-2446. COMMODORE Video Color Monitor, letter quality business printer, 2 Floppy disk drives software, 271-9212. COMMODORE 128 computer, color monitor, disk drive, printer, software more. $610.
740-1735. COMMODORE 128 Computer, Monitor, 1750 RAM, 1571 DD, 15811 DD, NX 10P, GEOS, $350. 631-8181. COMMODORE 128 $200 neg. 413-9209.
COMMODORE 4 SYSTEM Complete software accessories, $400 OBO. 928-3860 COMPAQ DeskPro Never used, still in box, meg RAM, 50meg hd, VGA, 2 floppy drives, $1900. Also have new HP Laser Jet TIP printer, $700. Will sell both for $2500. 875-7713.
$2500. 875-7713. COMPAQ LOCAL AREA NET. WORK Compaq Desk Pro 286 (40M.G./2 M.G. RAM) server 286(20MG) work station.
Novell ELS-2 software SMC Arcnet Board. Includes Hewlett Packard Laser Jet Printer, monitors, cables. Total LAN SYS, $5000. 364-5822 COMPAQ SL.T/286 Computer. 40 MB HD, 4MB Ram, case, much software, $2100 OBO.
920-0685. COMPAQ Super Notebook LTE386 120MBHD, 2MB RAM, Icon mouse, $2600. Targus Deluxe Leather bag, $100. Portable Toshiba Express writer 301 Printer $150. 936-8656.
COMPAQ 266LTE 20MB laptop, used once with software, $1059. 475-2191, COMPUTER FAIR December 14th 9 a.m. 6 p.m, at Mercer University, Atlanta Campus. Admission $4. Exhibit space still available.
Call 594-7700. COMPUTER (Tandy), TC1000, disk drive, monitor, keyboard. $600 neg. 241-1118. COMPUTER 386SX 40MB Hard Monitor $978.00 939-2418 or 476-0647 DELL 320N Notebook Computer.
IMB, DOS 5.0, fax modem, never used, also Canon Bubblejet printer, never used. $2500 obo for both. 222-2772 ad no 4535 MP LASER PRINTER, lIP Post Script. Still in box, 2 meg memory, post script cartridge, Apple IBM compatible. Retails for $2150; will sell for $1390.
875-4837. HP LASER PRINTER, HIP. Never used, under still In box. $1250. 875-9065.
IBM AT Compatible. 20MG HD, super VGA monitor, very good condition, Additional software for sale: Ventura, PageMaker, Coreldraw, all software censed. 723-0778 ask for Gordon. IBM AT 244 compatible with 1m ram, 40m and 20m hard disks, color monitor, DOS 5, loaded with some software, 1.2m floppy drive, enhanced keyboard, $800. 972-6642.
IBM CAPATIBLE XT 640K, dual floppies, keyboard, monitor, printer, $300. 990-0727 IBM-CLONES You'll be glad you called, also laptops service. 325-7449 IBM COMPATIBLE 10 MHG, XT, 360K floppy, 640K memory, 30 meg HD, mono monitor, $450. 963-6299 IBM compatible, 286-12. Complete system.
Must Sell. $630. Call Kim at 222-2772, Box 4589. IBM COMPATIBLE 40 Mg HD, 7.25 3.5, color monitor, 2400 modem, mouse, 24 pin printer. DBASE IV more.
$1800. 491-3678. IBM COMPATIBLE 486 complete system, $1995. IBM Compatible $742. 955-1132.
IBM COMP $1095. $1445. Each 2M. 2FD, 100M MD, KB, VGA, mouse. 987-3224.
IBM COMP 640K, 20mbHD 5.25FD, CGA, mouse, software, manuals. $500. 973-4104. IBM PC. Color monitor, Okidata printer, manuals and programs.
$1600. 907-8894 IBM PC JUNIOR 512K, dual disc drives. Call 992-2211. IBM PC refurb, hd, 640K, floppy, monitor keybrd. $299.
Hurry! IBM PCXT 640KB, 40 MB HD, color monitor, 5.25 floppy, Epson EX800 printer, software, manuals more. $600. 458-7144. IBM PC XT 640K, 10MEG, mono software, comm, etc. $275.
Call 634-5666. IBM PC XT 640 RAM. 1 HD, 1 floppy, key board, mono moniter, $450. Software included. All set-up and ready to go.
Call Pete, 612-8714. IBM PS2 Model 30, 40 MB Hard drive. IBM color monitor. $1195. 977-9532.
IBM PS-2 Model 80, hd, 220 cm, Pro Printer 111, tape bu, c-d rom drive. and ini modem. $4000. firm. 987-8396 IBM 60 MB drive, color monitor.
1 yr IBM wraty $1795. Call 457-4733 IBM PS2 70. 25 MHZ 386, 8M RAM, 60MHD, VGA, 1.2M Floppy, 9 mos. old, $5399 neg. 434-9752.
IBM VOA MONITOR 8513. Exc. cond. 434-9752 LAP TOP Zenith, 10M HD, 4 hour battery, modem, loaded, offer. 987-5026.
LASERMASTER Type Setter, dealor demo system. Complete software $12,500. 972-2230. LASER PRINTER NEC 890. 8 min.
Commercial type postscript. Orig: $3900. Sell $1850. Still in box. 925-1877.
LASER PRINTER Panasonic KX-P44501, 11 pages per min. $1100 OBO 923-2282 LASER PRINTERS, unused; IBM 4019, Epson 6000, $450; HP3P, $700. Also, Panasonic scanner $000. Days 404-889-2605, nights 404-809-5014 MAC ACCELERATOR triple speed of Mac Plus $250. Also available for S.E.
874-9627. MAC I sI, 3 MB RAM. 40 MB HD, 12" RGB MON, Ext Kybd, 271-1724. MACINTOSH lici Computer, meg Ram, I 80 meg HD, extended keyboard, 13" RGB monitor, all new, In box, $5,000. 926-7410.
MACINTOSH SCANNER $700. Laserwriter 1, $800. Imagewriter $300. Imagewriter $250. MAC MONITOR -E big picture, 17" mono monitor card, never used, lists: $1600, askIng $500.
271-1724. MAC PLUS MB H.D., Imagewriter I printer, modem and fax. Over $3000 In software. $1000. MAC SE 4 MB RAM 00 MB HD Ext kb $2250 SE 40 MB HD, 800k Int floppys, 1W2 printer, Word, Excel.
MS Works $1200 076-2054 MAC 0 bit video card, unused. 1.44 MB HD disk drive. $200. 934-1725. MAGNAVOX METALIS MASX Notebook, 1 MB, 40MB hard disk fax modem, DOS 4.01, mousepe never used, still in box, $1800 obo.
222-2772 ad no. 4639. MODEM -multiTech 9600 Baud, never used. $400. 751-0906 MOTHER BOARDS 386-25, $239 $829 Multimedia Equip CD roms Best Prices in Atlanta Call 322-1887.
NEC COLOR LAPTOP $2250. Call Alon 401-3499. NEC PIN PIN PRINTER Over 50. fonts, with accessories. $195.
Call 962-2434. NEC EISA 140MB, VGA. Cost 86000, sell $2150. Call Alan, TOSH Powerbook 140, 306 SX, 40 NOTE MB. MB Ram, 6.0 $2450.
many extros. Never used. 642-3175. Computers 830 HD, 4M Ram. Modem, mouse, sofPACKARD BELL SVGA, 100M tware, never used.
$2000. 640-9764. PANASONIC KXP 1123 feeder, warranty, like new, modem $290. internal like new, card, $45. like Mono new monitor 560.
(404) 509-7167. PLOTTER Plots up to size. Can use up to 8 Hewlett Packard. Draft Pro EXL. for pens.
$6000. Buy at fantastic price of 2 months old. Like new. Sells $4000. 499-9730.
SAMSUNG 386 VGA monitor, CPU, keyboard and software. Must sell, $1000, 552-6751. SANYO 555 COMPUTER color monitor, printer, software. Soft sector magazines, hutch, $325 Lotus magazine, 3 plus years. $25.
378-2648. SEAGATE HARD DISK still in box, 44MB $170, 80 MB $270, 124 MB $365. Yr warr. 723-2446. SOFTWARE packages and book sale.
Numerous software ages, source books and hand books. below retail cost. $13- $200. Saturday, December 7, 10-4PM: Sunday, December 8th, 1-4PM. Call 981-1687 for directions.
SOFTWARE UNUSED still wrapped, MAC, DOS, Word, Excel, misc. Below mail order price, Imagewriter LQ, Powerpoint. must go! 436-2576 TANDY COLOR COMPUTER 512K RAM, 2 DSDD disk drives, modem, multi-pack interface, EPROM programmer, numerous commercial software programs, much more. $600 obo. 943-3504 TOSHIBA LAPTOP 1200XE with 20 MB HD Like new.
$1,300 OBO. 514-1024 TOSHIBA T-1200 20 Mb HD, 2400 modem, HP printer, 2 monitors, DOS 5.0, etc. $1000, 256-2228 TOSHIBA 286 386 LT, 1 MB RAM, 40 MB HD each. $2500 each. 365-2447 WORD Processor Dig Decmate 111, (2) Floppy disc, keyboard $350.
388-7496. WYSE 286 AT, 20 meg, HD, 2 meg, RAM, floppy, color, VGA, MS, mouse, mint, $525, 590-1224. WYSE 50 Monitors keyboards, $120. Altos 886 686, $500 OBO. 912-328-8787.
ZENITH Z386 SX 1 year old, 14" VGA, mouse, keyboard. $2700. Call after 6pm, 296-8052. ZENTIH Super Sport 286 Computer, 20 meg Desk, rolltop chair, $1000. 921-3812 4 meg, 140HD, CD rom, VGA and printer.
$2450. NEC. 4 meg, 140 HD, Both still In box. 925-1877. USED COMPUTERS $395 up.
Printer, plotter software. 987-0000 Telephones Ph. Systems 832 Inter-tel, Tie. Install, move repair phone systems at new used lowest prices. 751-1363.
TELEPHONE Sys: New, used, adds, moves, changes. Repo systems avail 448-9770 CAR PHONE Portable Phone. $50. 605-7433. MERLIN, COMDIAL, TIE, TOSHIBA Others.
We buy sell, repair Install new used phone equipment. Lowest prices. Call Tel Systems 995-4040 CARPHONES: All major brands. Used, from $49 Number included. Buy-sell-trade.
Call 683-7000. CAR PHONE With Hands Free. Still under warranty. Take over Service. $49.
Call 520-3200. COMDIAL Executech System, 10 lines, 8 phones, display, ITCM, extras with PBX, 458-8011 ext. 354. COMDIAL 308 4 phone sets, 6 mo. in service, new Prostar, conf.
4x8, 4 Executives phone sets, 2 standard sets, installation availble. $1400 51200 neg. 518-8546. MOTOROLA portable, hand held, like new, with accessories, $350. Call 426-6670 WANTED: Used Carphones with Hands Free mic.
Major brands only. Buy-sell-trade. Call 683-6000. Office Equipment 834 ART AND 1017 DESKS, CRED'S Chairs, files, comp furn. Warehouse open to public M-F.
ASSC FURN 451-4040 BOOKCASE $10 up; used stations $200 up; shelving units $100 per unit. 984-9944. Dir. CHAIRS Conf. tables, recept, stations, computer stations, $40- $600.
Mary, 9-5, M-F, 449-7977. CHAIRS TO WALL sale on 1 of a. kind chairs, conf. table, bookcases, CRT's, files, panels. All must go.
Cort Furniture Clearance Cr, 1641 Cobb Pkwy. CHAIRS $45; Executive desks, secretarial desks, walnut solid wood more. negot. 448-0465. COMPAQ COMPUTER with stand, $199.
law books, desks, chairs, Sharp copier toner. $499. Call 377-1926. Bondwell 1 MEG, 40 MEG HD, in box, must sell, $1375. 942-6546 COMPUTER STANDS Various sizes, from $50.
Drafting tables from $175. 2 drawer legr 'iles lock, $60. Free standing petitions from $75, lateral files-5 drawers, from $275. Refrigerator, side by side Whirlpool, used, $225. Four mahogany highpoint traditional credenzas, $225, 9-6.
242-7956. COPIERS Closed business, up. IE: 40 CPM-full system, duplexer, current model $8695. Sacrifice, $2495. Warranty.
454-9782. DESK credenza, solid walnut, perfect $1,750. Call Paul Cylatt. 688-4431. DESK Executive with matching credenza, walnut contemporary.
W-352-5265; H-438-9709 DESK Exec. walnut wood finish, very nice, Steelcase. $250. 455-4557. DESKS, CHAIRS, FILES Steelcase 2-4-5 drawer vert.
Over 500 in stock. Lots of trad. wood furniture. Steelcase lateral files. NEW SHIPMENT FROM WEST COAST "Best Prices In Business Furniture Liquidators 890 Chattahoochee Ave 355-9493 DESK -WALL TO WALL sale on 1 of a kind desks, credz, files, more.
All must go. Cort Furniture Clearance Ctr, 1641 Cobb Pkwy. DRAFTING TABLES -4 all wood, 2 wood top, steel base. 3 2 1 455-1477 FAX MACHINE In box, $500, Cutter, feeder speed dial, supplies. List $1395.
(1) $385 boxed. 920-0990. FILE CABINETS Lateral, opening, wide. White. W-352-5265; H-438-9709 FILE CABINET Vertical legal, door, $50; lateral $150, fireproof $295.
455-4557. OFFICE copiers, faxes. Office Furniture Brokers. 460-5219 OFFICE FURNITURE I EQUIPT. Liquidation.
Desks, chairs, tables, files copier, $15- $750. Must sell. 978-1610 OFFICE FURNITURE 3 exec desks, 1 secretary, 10 office chairs 3 desk chairs, all are new, white wash finish, paid $4000, sell $1650 best offer, 723-6532 OFFICE Liquidation $50 up Desk, credenza, bookshelf, copier, more. 843-8286; 418-8330 beeper. PANELS Herman Miller, Steelcase 634-4822 SAFES Jewelers TRTL-30 $500; TL15 Sate $375; Money Chest $195; Reconditioned.
664-7233. SECRETARIAL DESKS $200. misc. chairs file cabs $100 bookcase $200. 266-1117, 979-2978 Herman Miller Mahogany base.
asking $350. 594-2232. TYPEWRITER Canon AP500 storage, can be used as computer printer. $450. 391-0727.
XEROX 14 Copy machine: 2 Answer Machines: Phone Mate, 1 Panasonic. $325. Call 493-7530 ALLSTEEL Lateral Files. Must sell, Also computer desks. chairs, panel systems, etc.
1845 Law ville Hwy, Decatur 633-29101 COPIERS FAXES Best prices. 984-1197 GORDON DOC. PRODUCTS CANON Allstate Business Systems Inc. 564-1111 Business Equipment 836 AD DICK 9840 with T-51; Baumfolder 714 $1350: 12 11. sales counter: executive desk.
Statesboro 912-764-5952. ACCESSORIES Used Store tures. Gondola, showcases, racks. Romsey 540 Permalume. 351-1500 ADJUSTABLE GONDOLA Wall shelvIng pallet garment racks plus many other Items.
Come see or call us for any of your store fixture needs. 607-7966. M-F. 976 BLAND Brody Ave ENTERPRISES INC. Bus.
Equip 836 AGFA-RAPIDOPRINT DD 3700 4 bath processor. Complete with chemistry. $395. 452-0848 Steve BEAUTY SALON 12 stations, all or part, (D) 237-8617: (N) 257-1673. BILLIARD, restaurant business equipment.
As low as $20. Fort Payne, Ala. 205-632-9172. misc. CASH REGISTER, cash wrap, store fixtures shelving, etc.
Quitting business. 404-942-8956. CASTEX MAGNUM 1400 carpet cleaner. 200' reel, press vacuum hose, portable water tank heater, carpet stair tools. Like new.
30 hr. runtime. $4000. Call 985-6954 M-F after 5. CLOTHING STORE EQUIP.
MENT cash regis. 933-0271. CONVECTION OVEN Full size. $800. 6ft.
portable salad bar. $450. Steve 469-3446. COOLERS freezers, doors, ins. New used store fix.
RAY. BURN STORE EQUIP. 974-7257. COOLERS All types of etc. GA.
Coolers Equip. 974-7113. COOLERS WALK-IN Freezers, 10x20 up, $1000. Also glass doors, Meat Cuber. 428-9837.
COOLER Walk-in 7x9 with 2 front glass doors, $800; High doublestore shelves, (1) 12FT. (1) 14FT. Call 1-404-846-9897. EQUIPMENT supplies of branch warehouse of national co. closing.
Steel shelving, tables, desks, supplies. 875-2394. FLOOR BUFFER 300 RPM like new. Used 1 month. $300 325-9557 FOLDER Cleveland Folder feeder, 20" 28" with 03 ogles.
Good working cond. $500 or best offer. Contact Tom Baccus, Walton Press, Monroe. 404-267-2596, A11. 523-2264.
GLASS SHOWCASES NEW USED All kinds good, used store fixtures; counters, hangers, clothing racks, more. Atl Surplus, 873-5865 HEWLETT PACKARD color plotter 7550A, complete pens, HD, PC. $1500. Steve 452-0848 HOBART MEAT CUBER Globe automat, $600. Globe automatic slicer, $500.
Hot cold tabletop buffet, $250. 1-404-229-9559, 11-6pm. ICEMAKER SCOTSMAN 700lbs in 24 hrs. Nugget machine, excellent condition with warranty, $800. Call anytime, 942-4694.
MAILING EQUIPMENT -2 Pitney Bowes Model 5600 mailers, $500 each. ALSO: 5 PB folders, other misc. 570-4153, beeper MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR SALE OR LEASE? See Classification no. 809 MEDICAL MIXER Blakeslee. 60 new motor, dough hook, pelican head.
$3,200 OBO. 850-8486, Gary NEW SILK SCREEN Equipment selling for $2300. Full line of equipment avail. Renard 288-5824. PALLET JACK Never used.
5000 lb. cap. $310; Walkboard aluminum $395. 939-0168. PALLET RACKS.
Interlake, republic other styles. 100. bays used bulk storage rack. Lrg inventory. Used shelving, 18X36X87, $35 Interlake carton flow rack, like new, dock boards, drive-in rack, cantilever rack, new ind.
grade shelving, Structural mezzanines. 874-4939. PAPER SHREDDER Hvy 11HP over $4,000 new, $850, good cond. 939-0168. PASTA MACHINE Edelweiss commercial with 4 brass dye's.
$1,100. 979-6709. PIZZA DELIVERY store closed, along shop. All equipment must go. $150 up.
Call Robert 986-0109. PIZZA equipment package, compiete. 2 conveyor gas ovens, walkin cooler, makeline, multi-line phone system, and much more. $21,900. Call (904) 668-2385.
PRINTING EQUIPMENT AB Dick 8805, 5 years old, Kenrow camera, triumph cutter, obo, 591-5714. PRINTING EQUIP. -Pako super film processor parts $450; Ektamatic processor $300. Also folder and typesetting equip. Call George Prather, Walton Press, Monroe.
404-267-2596, Atl. 523-2264 RACKS lift 482-4040. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Sinks, steam table, salad bar, dell box, walk-in, table, convection oven, shelving, slicer. mixer, much more. $50 up.
516-8869. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Gas grill, $275. Coolers, $325. 20 quart mixer, $400. gas fryer, $225.
2 compartment sink, $175. Much More. Must Sell. 429-8772. RESTAURANT Vent hoods (2).
11. New, never used. Also a 4', exhaust fan. Hoods have makeup air. $1950.
Jack 461-2118, 6-10pm. SHOWCASES Mannequins $98. 4-way racks $25. Jewelry display $10. Grids $5.
876-3725. SLENDER YOU Toning Tables (6) exc cond, burgundy. $6000 firm. 912-649-7760, 649-7733 aft 5. SLICER Sandwich Unit, Yogurt Machine, $400 each.
Dell case. CTX Pizza Conveyor Oven, mixer. Best offer. 432-1001. SNACK MACHINES misc.
glass front, each. Must sell. Call 222-2772, Box 4610. TANNING BED Sacrifice. $1800 Call 493-8644.
TANNING BED Wolff Montego Bay, Crystal Sun 24, 6 months old. $2500. Call 920-7690. TAYLOR SOFT SERVE MACHINE Model 754. 1 year old.
$5500. Call 981-9768 TECHNOARTS SP 2. vinyl cutter with hot tip and knife. Makes great signs and banners. Asking $4895.
John 587-1473. Used only once. TYPESETTING EQUIP. Compugraphic 8400 with Powerview 10 and (2) MCS 100 plus preview terminal. Excellent cond.
under maintenance contract. $4500. Contoct Judy Harrison, Walton Press, Monroe. 404-267-2596, A11. 523-2264.
WALK-IN COOLER 11 door condensing unit. Nearly new. $4500. 404-353-2852. VINTAGE CASH Registers, N.C.R.
excellent cond. $200 Leave Message. 662-9969. SANFORD ASSOCIATES call us to sell your supermarket, restaurant, bakery, dell or any type store fixtures equipment. 404-974-0755 TRUETT'S Store Warehouse Fixtures, 1285 Cobb Pkwy N.
422-7089. Buy Sell. Materials 840 Portable Buildings 838 PLANT INVENTORY Reduction. Buildings Spas in Cartersville. Dec 14th.
Call Morgan for information 428-5436. Building, ANTIQUE HEART PINE Flooring, 404-832-1514 cabinets, counter tops, trim, doors Instock. Peach State Salvage. 429-1899 CARPET Used. 3004 SQ.
YDS. with pods. off white, 80 oz. 2 yrs. old.
$600. Call 396-1725. EMT CONDUIT Unused. 10,000 of 600 ft of 1 Inch. 300 ft of 2 Inch, 100 ft of 21, ft of 3 inch.
$1200. 615-339-0380. GARAGE DOORS Various types Starting at $75 564-2548 GLASS For Sunrooms, below retail, 50x56 dbl pane, $49.95, other sizes. Free info. 455-8838, dir HARDWOOD FLOORING TAG or ship lap, foot.
912-738-0091 HEART Pine $2.00 Wide Plank Pine 957-6031 AUTHENTIC PINE FLOORS STEEL CHEAP 577-5005 TILE Unused, corrogated, 0 ft In diameter, $35 per foot. 10 it In diameter, $45 per foot. 615-339-0380. WALNUT LUMBER KILN Dried. $35, $1.50 per board foot.
426-1867 WINDOWS permashield double casem*nt windows. and tall mashield $3000, sliding glass make doors. offer. 664-5641-eves or 344-3233. THE HOME DEPOT Check Our Prices First! Shop Machines 842 AUTOMOTIVE IFTS-Jocks, Tire 461-1342.
trans. alignment equip. BAND SAWS DOAll 267 Kysor Johnson 2 10 wet drill horizontal presses. band saw, tools. lothes, Used and rebuilt.
phone. Macon, GA. or at night. 912-477-3118. 842 DELTA Unisaw $1450: Powermatic Shaper, $900; Bandsaw, $750; Trim Saw, $225.
461-7125. GRAYCO 490 Airless Sprayer, $1100: Adiustable aluminum walk boards and ladder $200; 10ft wooden fold ladder, $85. 981-2544. PLASMA ARC CUTTER Dynapak model 4X1. 230 volts.
Cuts up to steel. 40 amps output. Used very little. Cost $2700. Sell: $1000.
434-8879. PRESS BRAKE 14ft. mechanical, ton, $22,000. Call 427-0956. REGAL BATTERY Power Hydraulic Lift.
2000 pound capacity, 60" lifts, $1250. 972-7817. SAW BUCK All metal model, likenew, $400. Sears drill press, good cond, best offer. 642-8645.
TIRE CHANGER MANUAL $300 325-9557 TOOLS Complete Set Including Snap-on Top Bottom Boxes. to drive. $2600 Takes all Call 487-1295. USED NEW working eqp. We sell, buy trade.
Redmond Son, Inc. 696-3663. Heavy Equipment 844 BURNING MACHINE EPA approved. $19,500, 593-1313; 383-9776 d.p. CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENTS 440 Wadco Motor Grader, enclosed cab, lights, 20 ply tires, excellent condition, $12,500.
Call anytime, Ive 205-875-1876. DITCH WITCH Trencher, model 2300 and trailer. $8500 obo. 489-1010 or 920-2182. DITCH WITCH 2300 With S4A trailer, 300 hours, $8750.
1 (205) 991-9491. FORKLIFTS Pneu. from $2850 or $109 mo. Airport S. Forklift.
463-8156, M-F, 8-5; 9-1. FORKLIFTS Used forklifts for sale. Call Bob Smith at 373-1606. INTERNATIONAL LOAD STAR 1700. 1978-14FT.
Flatbed Dump. $4500. 971-1658; 924-1321 Nights. JOHN DEER 4108 TURBO Exc $17,000. (205) 875-72541 Farm Supplies 846 LONG DIESEL TRACTOR 310 Series, PS, lights, boxscrape, $4800.
922-6293. TILE Unused, corrogated, 8 ft In diameter, $35 per foot. 10 ft in diameter, $45 per foot. 615-339-0388. TRACTOR Jubilee '53 in good condition pieces of equipment.
$3500. 404-867-0709 UTILITY Trailer, 7'x16', dual brake axles, ramps, lights, 15" fires, $850. 252-5478. Auctions 848 ABSOLUTE MUNICIPAL AUCTION FULTON COUNTY GOV'T. At Election Warehouse 736 Clevland Ave (Off 85) Atlanta.
SAT DEC 7 10:00 AM Trucks, Autos Support Equip. For information contact: ARWOOD AUCTION COMPANY 423-0110 GAL 124 A PUBLIC AUCTION POLICE IMPOUND CARS Moodys Wrecker Service 3845 Conley Street, College Park, 30337 Dec. 7. 10am. 762-1632.
J.G. Heflin, 307. DEMPSEY AUCTION CO. 302 W. Third Rome, GA.
291-0746; 1-800-DEMPSEY FOR All your auction needs call Rowell, 1-800-323-8388. U.S. MARSHAL AUCTIONS Atlanta, Georgia December 5 6 $1 million in merchandise Atlantic City, New Jersey December 12 13 $3 million in merchandise Call 1-800-222-9885 HARRIS AUCTION SERVICE Real Estate, Estates, Equipment, Business Liquidations. 969-1315 ELROD AUCTION INC. 949-9046 HUDSON MARSHALL, INC.
Realtors Auctioneers In ATL. 763-0211 Or Toil-Free 1-800-842-9401 J.L. TODD AUCTION CO. "WE SELL THE WORLD Call toll free GA USA 1-800-241-7591. Wanted to Buy 850 AA ALL LIONEL TRAINS Collector paying top cash.
Free appraisals, call 461-9888. AMERICAN Flyer Lionel cash. 993-5406. 396-0563. FURNITURE APPLIANCES ANTIQUES MISC.
368-7566 M.O. ELECTRIC ROAD RACE SETS, Cars; Pre 1973; Aurora, Tyco, Etc. (404) 888-0880; Mike. I BUY WWII German, Japanese, Civil War Guns, Swords, ETC. 633-8904 MACINTOSH SE-30 Classic I1 WANTED PLEASE CALL 487-9134 NEED 50 used Nintendo Action machine.
100 used Nintendo games. Paying 876-5496. OLD BEER CANS WANTED I'm looking for beer cans from the 1940'S, 50's, and 60's. Call 516-1522. ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED Any size or condition.
Cash paid. 399-5532 SHACON 120 Large sized engineering copier WANTED. 510-674-0900. WANTED. Empty complete camel and Salem product packages.
Paying 10c each in lots of 100 or more. 361-4947. WANTED, oriental rugs and tapestries Any size or cond. 671-8506. HIGHEST PRICES PAID Collector is buying old guns.
swords. Japanese, Civil War, etc. 564-9239 Recreational 900 Aviation Houseboats Sailboats Motor Homes 910 Hot Sporting Goods Bicycles $22 Motorcycles 824 Get Tomorrow's Classifieds Today. Call 222-2000 FREEI Aviation 902 CESSNA P-210, 1978. excellent King H.S.I., storm scope.
$10,000 under market for quick sale. Priced $78,000. Days CESSNA 150 1967-LORAN, 900 SMOH, LORAN, NAVCOM. Mode Good paint and int. $11,900..
W-239-2347. H-662-0051. CITAURIA 70CDC 1979. 1370 TTSN, 150 HP, King Comm. 76A 618 Loran, Greenhouse.
$32,200 OBO. CHEROKEE CRUISER under 20 hrs, new engine prop, encoder Loran, new interior In last 3 vrs, $24,500 obo. 475-4805 after 6 RENTAL 9 Aircraft, C152, C172, C182, RG, Outfitted to travel. Silver Wings. 457-9623.
RUNWAY lighted, paved, 30 minutes west of downtown A1- lanta. Lots available starting at 404-459-5145. 12-D, A-65, 2060 TT. 1070 SMOR, wind penerator, radio, stitts cover 1975, hangered. $8500.
404) 324-4074 BUILD Time In an Aero ComBest In time your 109 book yet. For 904 BOATS JOHNSON OUTBOARDS GA. MARINE 876-3483 BAJA 22 ft. Cuddy Cabin, 1964. 350 Chevy, 55 MPH.
442-0192. trailer, $3000 under book. BASS BOAT 1985 Fisher marine. 35HP merc. motor, live well, depth finder.
Trolling motor 4 trailer. Like new, $2500. 344-3948. BOAT SHOW InHoliday Marina Dec. 5-8 BROWNS BRIDGE MARINE Bayliner Dealer" 1991 Capri 1700 50hp Force Gal.
trir. More! $5995 1992 Classic Capri 1950 130 Mercruiser Conv. top, Gal. trir More! $9995 SPECIAL OFFER-Four 1990 Chris Crafts runabouts $4000 under dealer costs. ATL 688-0338, GVL 536-2434, Holiday 945-2166 BOAT SHOW In-The-Water Holiday Marina 5-8 BROWNS BRIDGE MARINE Your new exclusive dealer for: TRACKER BOATS Nitro 160TF 60 Johnson $7995 Tourmnt TX17 40 Johnson $5995 Pro 16 Tracker 25.
Johnson $4795 Free mooring cover Price incl. trir trol. freight rigging extra. ATL 688-0338, GVL 536-2434, Holiday, 945-2166 BOSTON WHALER Striper 17 1983, 85hp Suzuki, graphs, top, goraged. $6500.
475-5132 BOSTON WHALER 19' 1986, Outrage, with 150 Johnson trailer, plus extras, like new, 900. 912-431-1937. CARVER SANTEGO 1990, 34 35 hrs, Liquidation price $98,000. No tax. Roger 740-1616 Ext.
11. CHAPARRAL 170 1985, 17ft. bowrider, 140 merc cruiser, great ski boat, boat looks and runs excel. Must sell. $3500.
971-0405. CHRIS CRAFT CAVALIER 192 1989-19FT. OMC, new $18,000, First $8950. Won't Last! 452-0202. CHRYSLER CONQUERER '78.
ski boat. 16' 70HP Exc. trailer incl. $1800. 339-9707.
FOUR WINDS 1984, 18 ft, 140 needs interior work, mechanically perfect. $1500 obo. 489-0083. LOWE FALCON BASS BOAT 1990. 48HP Evinrude, live well, trolling motor, front deck, drive on trailer, loaded, been on water 3 times, garag kept, sacrifice $5895.
404-254-1848. MAINSHIP SEDAN CRUISER 1987-36', all options, low hours, like new. Trades to $30K. fin. $85,900.
887-8204 PROCRAFT 1987-17ft. Bass Boat, 150HP Johnson, cover, anchor mates, depthfinder, trolling motor, trir. Used very little, perfect. cond. $7000.
Ask for David Walsh, 912-788-4510. Macon. PROCRAFT 1990-Bass Hunter 1773. loaded, bit-in fuel tank. 40HP mariner.
$7800 obo. 243-3454 RANGER- YAMAHA Outboards DEALER COST ON 1991 MODELS CROWE MARINE 762-1515 RANGER 401-V 1990, Mercury, XR-4, trailer motor guide, Humminbird, elec. Loaded. $15,300. 404-945-8372 ext 144.
RENKIN 19' Bowrider. 120HP, 1986, low hours. $4000. 404-468-1037. RIENELL '78, 26', cab, new canvas, have 2 boats must sell, 428-4585.
SCOTTIECRAFT Cabin Cruiser, 29 ft. Bahamian Registry. Located at Treasure Cay, Bahamas. 2 VHF radios, depth finder, head, shower galley. Recently hauled, Twin pleasure craft, 302-V8 Ford engines.
$30,000. Call Guy Hill 404-691-3330. SEARAY WEEKENDER 1979, 26', twin engines, full canvass much more. $8995. Call 514-8373 SIMMARON FISH SKI 1985- 15 60HP Mercury, accessories incl.
$3000. 921-3104. SKI SANGER '91. Comp. inboard.
Lists $23,500. Sale at dealer cost 368-0775 eves. STINGRAY 1987, 19', exc condition, $6500. Call 975-1700, 309-8834. STRATOS 1989.
Fish Ski, 150 Evinrude XP, 3 locators, excellent condition. $12,000. Call Steve after at 498-0630. SUN TRACKER 1985 Party Borge, 24 Pontoon, 60HP, exc cond, owner transferred, $5200. 477-0879.
SUN TRACKER 1985 Party Barge, 24' Pontoon, 60HP, exc cond, owner transferred, $5200. 477-0879. TROJAN 1984, 10 meter International, exc cond, full canvas, 6.5 generator, twin 350 Crusader engines, $57,500. 954-4826 dig beep; 740-8990, 781-4514 home. YAMAHA WAVERUNNER 1990.
Exc. cond. jackets. College student. $3400.
279-0001. YAMAHA WAVERUNNER. 1991-50 hrs. Shorelander trailer. Excellent.
$4100. 924-3067. Houseboats 906 CLOUD NINE 60 19861, twin Volvo engines, 7.5 Kohler flybridge. Everything included. Appraisal price $57,000.
Immaculate. Digital pager 341-9191. DRIFTER 44ft, in board engine, generator, AC, Marine radio, stereo TV. $11,900. 325-9040, 928-2479.
LAZY DAYS '88-Wide body, 62X14 12. By owner, due to illness. Like new. Marine Survey-replacement cost $235,000. Holiday Winter price $129K.
932-0473. RIVERCHASE 1992, 72x15, $119K. The ultimate in beauty and luxury, Now showing in the water at Bald Ridge Marina on Lake Lanier. (404) 889-9522. SUMERSET 1989, 71' 14' custom built.
Low hrs. Too many extras to list. Will trade equity for luxury automobile, antique cars or golf course lot 299-9599. $375. 319-7356 Motor Homes 910 AIRSTREAM -Prowler-Southwind Friendship, Diesel, Escaper 500 OVER COST Holiday RV Superstores Inc 362-9559 1-800-476-6720 AIRSTREAM -WINNEBAGO SALES SERVICE MOTOR HOME RENTALS JOHN CENTER DOUGLASVILLE 949-4500 BAY PUSHER DIESEL 32' QUEEN BED LOADED BANKSTON MOTOR HOMES 1-200-446-4734 Trades Welcome! ALLEORO 1909 34' Fully equipped.
Under $35,000 book value. Cash or Cash late model car or 296-7563. CANCO RV ANTIFREEZE gal while supplies last. Bankston Motor Homes Covington, GA 1-800-446-4734 COACHMEN GIANT RECREATION WORLD Atlanta's Newest RV Superstore We sell Coachmen, Cross Country (diesel pusher) Pathfinder Clarion. Don't miss our large In.
ventory of pre-owned RV's that are reconditioned and road ready! CLASS A's 1987 Coachman, 1986 Winnie Elandon, 1984 Pace Arrow, 24' CLASS C's 1991 Coachmen, 271' (1983 Winnebago 21' 1977 Winnie 22' TRAVEL TRAILERS 1990 Terry 29' 1909 Coachmen 211 1984 Yellowstone, These and many more to shop from! Ask about 30 day limited warranty (certain restrictions apalso have 6 Pre-owned 5th Wheels! Open Sunday 12-5, Mon-Sat 9-6 514-8373 1310 S. Cobb Dr. Hwy 280, Marietta OMC CLASS 1974. Good condition, new point, good fires, air ride and leveling suspension. Everything works, 66K miles.
615-856-3483. GMC PALM BEACH 2601. 76. sleeps triple low ml. 6KW pen.
Built-In vacuum cleaner, cellent condition, more extras. $16,000. 214-606-1215. HOLIDAY RAMBLER Imperial Sailboats 908 CATALINA 30 1985 Great condition, all electronics, sails accessories needed to cruise anywhere. 1991 Engine, less than 3 hours.
912-638-9343, after Ive. msg. (S.S.I., ESANADA 1976 California Style, for sale, 20ft, good condition. New sails, sleep 4, Evinrude, 2HP engine, $3200. 753-7213.
PRECISION 1988-21f1 sailboat Mercury Kicker, used very little, perfect cond. $7000. Ask for David Walsh, Macon, 912-788-4510. SPECTRUM 1983, 22', Honda 5, 3 sails, pop-top, $3800. Call.
433-8958. WINDSURFER Like new, beautiful sail 1969- MH. Twin beds. 9K. Loaded.
$55,000. 404 680-5421. Motor Homes 910 HOLIDAY '92's. 15 Coaches, must be sold by Christmas, be first for best deal. 477-2010; 1-800-433-6626 HONEY 1987-Class C.
271, 23K miles, loaded Ford eng. $19,500. 455-7418 INDIVIDUAL SEEKS 27-35 Class A motor home, less than 6 yrs. old, preferably bsmnt. model.
Takeover your payments. 971-8066, no dealers. KAR KADDY Tow dolly, $895. 973-0800 WINNEBAGO ELANDAN 1984. 31f1.
454 Chevy. 6.5 onan. Tow kit. Rear bedroom. 2 roof air.
CB. Stereo. Full awning. Microwave. 31,000 mi.
$27,500. 978-0040. CRUISE AMERICA MOTORHOME SALES AND RENTALS Marietta 404-428-0850 RENT 1988 35' luxury motor home. All options, Winter rates. Call 971-8879, 580-1653.
911 CAMEL POP-UP 2-man pop-up top wheels. Great condition. $625. 963-4195. CAMPER SHELL LEER.
3 mos old. Fits long bed PU. $500. 296-1074 COLEMAN- SHOP INDOORS 12 Models on display. From $1995.
377-8000 DUTCHMAN 1991-5Th 30ft, electric jacks, $13,500 firm. Call 404-536-4544. Gainesville. EXECUTIVE DREAM 1992-35, Sleeps 6, dinnette, awning, Must sell. $11,900.
975-3131 JAYCO 1988. Gar'd since purch. Sleeps 7, stove, side dinnette, like new. $3750. 928-4064 SHASTA 1982- 28', Sell $3000 or trade for Van.
of equal value. 924-0213-D; 974-0347-N. TRAVEL TRAILER 1969, Globe Star, ft. long, fully self contained, sleeps 5. New awning.
Paid $2450, will take $1995. 469-6995, 1-404-735-2101. TRAVEL TRAILER 1992-32ft, 4x8 tipout, awning, Irg air, Irg refrig, 4 burner stove cable ready, crank-up antenea, queen island bed, garden tub, many tras. Must sell $11,500. 537-0157.
Hot Pools 912 FIBERGLASS SPA. (Shell) Minor freight damage, discount $495 firm. 1st Call buys. 479-1960. HOT Never used, must sell Have 2 tubs, both 4 seats, 1 recliner, 8 adjustable lets and one massage let in lounger.
Have 2-pump tesms or pump system with blower. Available in charcoal marble and royal blue marble. Warranty available Price. and $2400 Delivery firm. negotiable.
Sale 460-5374. NEMCO JACUZZI with Positouch, seats 5 adults, $685. 873-1524 NEW DELUXE Spa in box. 30 year warranty. Seats 6.
$2,495 (3 only). 428-0524. Equipment 914 DP EXERCISE BIKE Like new, Asking $150. Call 368-9968. EXERCISE SYSTEM Ultra Gympac by DP, like new, will sell for $250.
Call 740-8333 EXERCYCLE EXECUTIVE -Like new! Great cardio workout. after 5 EXERCYCLE Like new, cost new $2500, sell for $500. Call 404-227-1300. HEALTHCLUB equip. sale.
Lifecycles, lockers, free weights much more. 955-0492 Lifetime memberships-(2). Olympic Gold. Both for $1,000. 929-8445.
MARCY FITNESS CENTER 100 lbs. additional access. Like new. MONTAIN BIKE Montague. List for $580, asking $300.
Wieder weights 300 Ibs, 1 Brutus bench, $250. 634-6102 NAUTILUS EQUIPMENT 19 pieces. Used. 205-979-5800 between 9-12 or 2-6 weekdays. NORDIC TRACK Like new.
$250. 426-5693 PARAMOUNT Weight. System Sports Trainer IV, retails $4700, asking $2300. Chrome, 4 stations, fully equipped. Day 934-0946; E.
928-2793. ROWING MACHINE Heavy duty, hydraulic syst, prof quality, mint cond, paid $350, moving, must sell, $175. 875-9446 Ive msg. SOLOFLEX -All attachments. $800 obo.
252-7903 SOLOFLEX Ext. Seldom used, sacrifice for $500. 233-5209. SOLOFLEX used. Fully equipped.
Great X-mas present. $1000. 956-7969 after 5pm SOLOFLEX TECH All attachments, Must sell $500. 640-6831. SOLOFLEX THE "ORIGINAL" with all attachments extras, $550.
471-3128. SOLOFLEX THE ORIGINAL CALL 881-1720 AFTER 6PM SOLOFLEX GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT TODD 266-9066 STAIRMASTER 4000 PT Never used. Free delivery. $2250. 252-4088 STEPPING MACHINE Heavy duty, hydraulic syst, prof quality, mint cond, paid $450, moving, must sell $320.
875-9446 Ive msg. TOTAL GYM PRO PLUS Perform 32 exercises. Tone or strengthen. Like new. $275.
928-6627 UNIVERSAL POWER PAK 400 2 Weigh Stacks, $1000 below new cost at $1500. 231-2080 LET us sell your used sports eqpt. 240 Cobb Pky, Marietta Trade ctr. The Sports Exchange 422-7457. Sporting Goods 916 EXERCISE STEPPER $80.
Roller blade skakes, used once, ladies size, $75. 237-3657. GOLF CARTS (15), 4 wheel Gas Club Car. 3 years old. each.
Call Randy 227-9794. GOLF CLUBS Ping Eye 2. Red dot. 2-SW. $400.
723-0877. GOLF CLUBS Tommy Armore. 693. woods, 1-4 woods, $700, call 524-4430 GOLF CLUBS 3-PW, right or left handed, $139 set. Retail value $299, 10 sets of clubs.
972-1253. PING EYE 2 PLUS's Left Hand, $45 per club. sw, Todd, 266-9066. POOL TABLE Black chrome. 9ft slate.
Gandy. Excel cond. $1450 OBO. 466-2048. 612-8103.
POOL TABLE Regulation size. Never used, 81 ft. $700. 654-3238. (Brasselton) POOL TABLES 8 ft.
Valley Coin Op, good cond. Stone Mtn. 8pm. POOL TABLE "World Of Leisure" 4x8. 1" slate, old.
Perfect condition. $1100. Call 879-0197. POOL TABLE, 8' slate, $700. Ping pong table $70.
Call 564-9952 ROSSIONAL 3G. 195, Tyrolia Nordica 981, all for $370. Call 463-4778. SAILBOARDS and Sails. Several modies.
High quality, $299. 368-0775 eves. SCUBA EQUIPMENT NEVER USED, 442-8219, 843-3450. SNOW SKIS Cross Country-Asnes, polls Included, never used. $150 OBO.
Call 396-1962. TRAMPOLINES 14' rd. Safety pad $50 Christmas layaway 922-6219 WATER SKIS Several Slaloms. High quality. $130.
Eves 360-0775. Fishing 918 AKC-47 Red Folder with accessories. Mint condition. $750. (912) 477-2936.
COLT Officers model, 9mm, 1 of 500, Night sights, 1595; Saw Mod 27, 357 mog. 5" barrel, presentation. case, $395: Saw mod 649, Pachmyer Grips. Stainless body guard, $350; Eves. 633-2996.
GUN CABINET Solid oak, $225. Also automatic shot gun, Winchester 410., $45. OUN COLLECTION. Quality shotguns. rifles and handguns.
From $250 up. 961-1163, Ive. msg. GUNS FOR SALE Win 62 Pump, .22 Cal, Nickel Win 1906 Pump .22 Win 41 Bolt action .410 (Rare) Ruger Blackhawk 3 screw .30 Cal Ruger Conv 3 Screw obo. 939-6776, lv.
msg. GUN SHOW COLLEGE PARK GA Dec. 7, 9-5PM Dec 8, 10-5PM GA INT'L CONV TRADE CTR Behind Hyatt Airport Exit 18 off 1-85 Riverdale Rd. Adults $5.00 FOR INFO 504-664-8653 918 HK 91 with scope. case sling ammo, etc.
$1050 firm. Call 634-5666. ITHACA SKB 600 12 ga. Shotgun. $550 977-9836 NATIONAL MATCH (2) Rifles.
336-5851 REMINGTON 7600 30-06 LIKE NEW, $325. 428-4287. SHOTGUN 5 Engraved silver housing, beautiful. $1500. 404-226-2713.
SMITH WESSON 38, $165, Winchester 30-30 $155, 12 gauge single $45, 565-2277. SOUTHEAST Alabama -deer hunting. Hunting by the day. Contact David (205) 529-3684. WEATHERBY 270.
Mag. Nikon Scope, ammo, excellent condition, $675 firm. 436-0308 AUTO ORD. Govt. 45 auto, combat sights grips, like new.
$368. 426-4769. HIGHEST PRICES PAID Collector is buying old guns, swords. Japanese, Civil War, etc. 564-9239 Bicycles 920 BEACH BIKES set, never used, all speeds, paid $360, moving, $200.
875-9446 lv msg BICYCLES (Two). 1 male, 1 female. Excellent condition, each. Call 627-7587. MAN women's bicycles, exc.
$120. for pair, 518-7778. MOUNTAIN BIKE never used. $300. 924-0114.
MOUNTAIN BIKE 16 Speed Schwinn, High Sierra, black chrome, trip computer, voyager rear bag, lights, $475; Young Boys Schwinn 10 Speed, $65; Girls 10 speed, Schwinn, $75. Call 671-0493. NISHIKI Meridian, City Bike, less than 20 loaded lock, pd. $500 asking $375. 874-7522.
PEUGEOT Like new His Her Bikes, used 3 times, $175 for both. 428-3601 leave message. SCHWINN SPRINT 1990-21" LIKE NEW! $125. Marietta, 973-7960 Carts Mopeds 922 457-6742 or 448-8839. HARLEY-DAVIDSON 1200 SPORTSTER 1990, Red, excellent, $6000.
876-4549. HARLEY DAVIDSON 1986 show bike, hi-performance eng. many custom extras, 1 of a kind, must see. $10,500 obo. Call Scott, 633-7798; 972-6384.
HARLEY DAVIDSON 1991, FAT-BOY SOFT TAIL. Rare factory orange white, over 50 installed options (warranty). $15,000. 975-7121 HARLEY HERITAGE 1989-Fact. black silver, lots of new ext.
warr. $8500 obo. 904-579-4095. HONDA ASPENCADE 1985. Many extras.
Low miles. Rare color-light 2 tone blue. $4500 obo. 933-0710, Steve HONDA CB 1975-Extended fork, seat, as is. $200, 840-8951.
HONDA CB750A automatic transmission vetter windjammer, under 20K miles, mechanically sound, runs good. Asking $600 OBO. Also parts bike. 428-3946 HONDA CD 750F 1979, like -new, 9988 miles, $2500. 404-786-5775.
HONDA CB NO 1980, Custom built, 4 cylinder, 10 Speed Shaft driven. $2000. 320-9511. HONDA CM400T, beautiful, loaded, one owner, with 2500 original miles. $795.
961-1163, msg. HONDA CR125 MX 1989. Excellent condition, $1500. 434-5128 HONDA CR250 1988 Extras, new parts, receipts. $1250.
Best offer. 924-2848. HONDA ELITE 00 '87, 3800 miles. good cond 2 Nolan helmets. $700.
Call Steve, 992-7126 HONDA NIGHTHAWK 1984, needs little work. 25K miles. $1100. Call 847-0569: 351-2936. HONDA RM 1988 dirt bike.
Excellent condition. great Christmas grift. $850. 928-0688. HONDA XL-400R 1986 Excellent condition.
$1295. Call 474-1840 HONDA 1987 LIKE NEW! $1500. 393-1757 HONDA ZB 50 1988. 2100 miles, 6 months old, good cond, orig $1200; asking $600. 594-7455.
HONDA 150 Elite $500 or best offer. Day 498-7180, weekends 664-4163. HONDA 754 1970 Everything works! Runs good. $500. Call 939-0307.
HONDA '84, V-65 Magna. Custom paint seat, header, new brakes clutch. $2500. 447-4713. KAWASAKI KX80 1987-Like new helmet and chest protector.
Perfect! $750 OBO. 973-3401. SUZUKI DR-125 1986-Excellent condition. New tires. $700.
Call 763-3122, Ricky. SUZUKI OSSMEL 1990, only 2000 mi. Adult ridden. Kept in garage. $2900.
W) 822-1588, H) 995-3582. TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE 1971- 650's-(2). One excellent cond and other is for parts. Asking OBO for both. (404) 569-1806.
YAMAHA 1982, Maxim 1100, new clutch and transmission, $1200. 351-8793 John. YAMAHA 4 Wheelers cycles for Christmas. Big Savings! Open 9-8. Sat.
9-4. Easy Living Yamaha Rome 404-234-8502 We pay cash for used bikes! GO CART. Like new, 5 hp, 2 seater. $500. 439-5604 GO-CART 2 seater, red, 5 hp Briggs Stratton, good cond.
$200. After 8 p.m. 671-9078. GO-CART. $225.
Also, Mini Bike, $450. Run-look good. If no answer, please leave message. 516-0734. GO CART 3 years old, 5HP, 1 seater, excellent condition.
$325. 476-4981 after 6pm. HONDA ODYSSEY 1985, near perfect condition. $2500. Call 964-8854 or 964-7816.
HONDA SCOOTER 1987, good condition, red, $450. Home 241-6391; work 243-2182. HONDA 250R 1985, Runs good, look great, very fast, need experienced rider. $1,200. 634-7947 HONDA3-WHEELER with rack, 2 extra tires.
$350. 251-6450 HONDA 351 (Elite 80) motor scooter, 3300 miles, $500. Also Schwin 10 speed, $50. Call 478-4161. SUZUKI LT-256 1987 QUAD RACER.
Runs great, very fast! Excellent condition. $1700. 292-0288 SUZUKI QUADRACER 250 1988- Many extras. Helmet and boots incl. Excel cond.
$1895. 979-2761. YAMAMA BANSHEE 1988-New engine, 2 sets rims, good machine. $2000. 912-268-7433.
912-268-6892 YAMAHA YSM 00 1987-4 wheeler, bought new in '89, excellent condition, $1200 obo. YAMAHA NICC 1988-4 Wheeler Good condition. $750. Call 438-9857 Motorcycles 924 HARLEY DAVIDSON (FLHTC) 1988. Electra Glide Classic, black with low mileage.
$8200. 428-1747. HARLEY DAVIDSONS (3) '76, 79, '80 FLH's, $6000 to $6500. 457-6742 or 448-8839. Automotive 1000 Vehicle Wanted 1020 Vehicle Rentals 1025 Services Parts 1035 Detailing 1040 Heavy Pickups Sport Utility Vehicles Autos Under $2,000 1070 Autos 1075 Financing 1045 Get Tomorrow's Classifieds Today, Call 222-2000 FREEI Vehicle Wanted 1020 ACCORD, CIVIC, PRELUDE Any Condition.
Cash. 378-3605 Vehicle Wtd 1020 ALFA'S TO Z's. TOP DOLLAR PAID FOR CLEAN USED CARS. CALL NOW. TRONCALLI 292-3853.
CASH FOR JUNK REPAIRABLE CARS TRUCKS. 767-7675 CHEVROLET, Ford, Foreign cars! Individual will pay cash for used repairable car or truck. No Dealers please. 361-3053. CAR OR TRUCK.
Any condition. Cash today. 458-2815. FOREIGN CAR WANTED 364-5513 HONDA OR TOYOTA Any condition, cash paid today. Call 431-0043.
HONDA, TOYOTA, NISSAN 80-87 MODELS. IMMEDIATE CASH! 973-0698 HONDA WANTED! IMMEDIATE CASH 364-5506 MUSTANG 1965-73 WANTED ANY CONDITION 294-4869 NISSAN WANTED Cash Immediately 662-4391 TOYOTA WANTED Cash Immediately. 876-7102. WE PAY CASH For Junk Cars, Trucks and Vans. 768-6056 CLEAN USED CARS TRUCKS Foreign and domestic.
979-3892: 550-4218 CASH PAID For problem cars, trucks, etc. 473-4692 ANY MAKE 87 up. will Assume payments. Call Scott 622-1064 Days 918-1048 Eve. Wknd.
ANY REPAIRABLE or Drivable Vehicle Wanted. 944-0496 CASH FOR CARS Running, wrecked or broken down. will come to you. 466-7549. REPAIRABLE or Driveable Truck, car, or van Wanted.
443-1132 AUTOS WANTED Private owners would like to buy your 1987-1991 autos. Payments too high? Maintenance a problem? Insurance too high? Christmas only weeks away! Need an answer. Not a broker! 231-8659 days. 418-7869 Eves. Parts 1035 AMFM CB CASSETTE auto reverse radio WANTED for Cadillac Seville, working! 688-0791 nights.
BLACK HAWK Drive on frame rack system. $16,000. (912) 929-8845. CHEVROLET CORVETTE 1969 Station Wagon, Perfect for race car. $1400.
Coll 493-4655. CHEVROLET 305 engine rebuilt still on stand, 445-9008 DATSUN B210 1978-Wrecked, new can hear run, will fit '78-84 $350. 434-4079. ENGINE EXCHANGE 449-1225 Engine Sales Installation. Honesty is our trademark.
Quality ENGINE Toyota Van. 31P, 1982-1986, 35K miles. $650. 578-6983; MAZDA 1984 truck parts. Parting out complete truck.
$350 for complete truck. 957-8303. MOB 1965 Rough! Roll Bar. Wires, engine. $495.
Call 474-8965 MOTOR 1972 rebuilt Holly 600 carb. Cyclone headers. rebuilt C6. Show quality. 590-8175, 642-7647.
PLYMOUTH SUNDANCE 1988- 48K mi, front damaged. Good title. $1100. '89 Model, 5K mi, parts only. 1-834-9837; PORSCHE 144 1987-Turbo, Parts or whole.
753-9792, leave message. RADAR DETECTOR Spectrum Whistler 2 Radar Detector, remote. As new. $120. 956-8856.
RIMS Chrome Momo 15x8 tires, fits Volkswage, $1,200 OBO. 454-9781, Beeper 690-1000 TOYOTA CELICA 1980. '83 Ford Escort. 297-0873 TOYOTA COROLLA SR5 84, eng tras. 5.
spd, incl stripped body, 76k mi, $850. 565-2204. TOYOTA SUPRA '82 to '85 PARTS $5 TO $200 591-0070 TRIUMPH Spitfire 1967, prolect with 2 parts cars $1200 for all. Call 474-8965. VOLKSWAGEN BUG Rebit.
short block. $200. Or will sell complete running. Misc VW parts 948-3488. VOLVO PARTS at Voluparts, 352-3402 TIRES 4 BF Goodrich Tires Cragar Aluminum wheels size 15.
5900. 876-8317. Work Detailing 1040 PLACE YOUR AD HERE For 4 Sundays Reach Over 1.8 Million Readers! Also see our FRIDAY "WHEELS" AUTO SERVICES PAGE To Place Your Ad Call 526-5735 Heavy Buses 1045 ABSOLUTE MUNICIPAL AUCTION FULTON COUNTY GOV'T At Election Warehouse 736 Clevland Ave (Off 85) Atlanta. SAT DEC 7 10:00 AM Trucks, Autos Support Equip. For information contact: ARWOOD AUCTION COMPANY 423-0110 GAL 124 CHEVROLET 1982, 1 ton, box bed, excellent condition, new tires brakes, low miles, very clean, $4,200.
973-5276. FLATBED EQUIPMENT Chain, binders, 2" straps, winches, Tarps and lots of extras. Call anytime, 429-1746. FORD C-400 1976-5 Ton Cargo. New tires, eng.
rear cargo lift. Asking $6500, nego. 987-2324. FORD E-350 1990, 15 Passenger VAN 11,000 miles, Must sell. 995.
921-6647. FORD FIN DUMP 1962. Runs good, dumps good, $1600. 432-2850 FORD F-400 '84 with 16ft. box, cellent shape, asking $5500.
396-3567, INTERNATIONAL LOAD STAR 1600 Pulp Wood Truck 1970. $1600. 432-2858 INTERNATIONAL 1000 1972-12 Ft. Utility Dump, excellent condition. Call anytime, Ive.
205-875-1876. ISUZU NPR 1990. Like new, 14 ft box, liftgate, air, stereo cass. CB, 51K miles, $16.000. 923-7228 IVECO cob 1212 Euro Turbo 39K die mi, sel.
Auto, chassis. Can be seen at 3606 McCall Place, Atl or call 454-9070. $3495. KENWORTH CAB OVER '81 300 Cummins. Exc.
cond. good rubber, new paint. $8,000. 912-477-6740 MACK DUMP 1990 DM 6905, 15K miles. 300 HP engine, spd, 44 rears.
rubber, LIKE NEW, $49,900. (407) 461-1443. Contact Zoltan C. Yavorsky, STRICK 4211 semi-trailer, roadable or storage, good tires, brakes, dry. $1200 firm.
451-0060. Pickups 1050 CHEVROLET CHEYENNE 1991. bik. 8K mi. BL.
auto. sporask $13.000. 587-5350. CHEVROLET Custom Deluxe pickup, 350 engine, auto. LWB, loaded, 681-3009.
CHEVROLET C-10 1966. LB. 5-Itr. auto, cass. 51 ml.
.5,100. CHEVROLET Ext. Cab, LWD, bedliner, AC, $6700. 922-5732; CHEVROLET LB 1974 6 cylinder, 3 speed, tool box, good work truck, $1000. 514-8915.
M-F, 6-10PM, Sat. Sun. all day. CHEVROLET PICK UP 1972 LB. Good body.
Needs eng work. $800 080. 942-4315. CHEVROLET PRUP 1. 350 VS.
Bright Red. $6800 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1988. 4WD. Loaded, 33,000 yrs left on warranty camper top Included. $10,500 firm.
Like new. D-404-632-229 AN -632-5261. CHEVROLET SILVERADO Swe, extended cab, like new. 5,000 ml. 429-0347.
CHEVROLET SILVERADO Stepside. Owner, 20K original miles, all options. $10.000. CHEVROLET SILVERADO Bik on silver, looded. 58K miles.
$9500. 924-0213-D; 974-0347-N. Pickups 1050 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1977-4X4, 350 cu. PS. PB, PL.
cruise, runs metic work, CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1989. Fully loaded, long bed. low mileage, $13,500. 487-5343. CHEVROLET Silverado 1990, SB, loaded, bedliner, rails, sharp.
18,000 ml. $12,150. 979-3478. CHEVROLET SILVERADO'S Used 6 in stock Must Sell 284-7630. CHEVROLET SIVERADO PICK LA UP 1986-4WD.
Every avail GATT opt. 83K mi. $8250. 969-7628. CHEVROLET 510 PKUP '89, Tahoe, V6, super nice! $7500.
CHEVROLET S-10 1984 Auto, PS, longbed, good condition, $2790 firm. 874-4350 CHEVROLET 5-10 1988-5 sp. AC PS. PB, fuel ini. Red.
stereo. Low: mi. Exc. $4450. 404-387-9227 CHEVROLET 510 '91.
Tahoe Pickup, 4.3, V6, auto, cruise, air, stereo, rally wheels. A steal at $10,998. CHEVROLET TRUCK 1959, new engine, $1,000. 971-3862. CHEVROLET 1 TON 1965 Good cond.
$1500 OBO. 404-974-1120 CHEVROLET TON 1985, PS. PB, air, long bed. $2650. Call atter 9pm.
445-7559. CHEVROLET 1964, 4x4, body, runs great, new tires, $3500. Call after 8pm 404-574-2428. CHEVROLET 1979 LWB, 6cyl auto New paint, exc running truck. $2000 obo.
717-0086. CHEVROLET 454SS 1990 EXTRAS. $13,900. CALL 972-3028 CHEVROLET '81, Ton, LWB. Cyl, good work truck, $1500.
Must. Sell. 1-404-864-3113 or 864-8247. DODGE CUMMINS D350 LE 1990 -50K. $13,500.
394-6011 DODGE RAM50 1986. 5-SP, owner. 5K on rebif $1,900. 766-5727. DODGE 100 PICK-UP, 1975, mi, Good runner, Must see.
447-0932 FORD COURIER 1979, 4 cylinder 4 speed, many new parts. $1250. 389-5605. FORD E350 1987, Auto, 12 aluminum box, lift, exc cond, a $7500. 975-7044.
FORD F-100 LWB 1968- miles, looks great, runs better new fires duals, $2200, 447-6445. FORD F-100 PICKUP 1979, auto, AC, runs excellent. $2,300 0B0.1 740-0645. FORD F-100 PU 1970, auto, runs excellent, body in great condition 381-2862. 109 FORD F-100 PU 1972, Body in cond.
new tires, rebuilt en9.93v spd trans, $2,500 OBO. 378-3652: FORD F-100 1971-Shortbed, good condition, $700. Call 428-3601 leave message. FORD F-100 1972- V8, 3spd, 9004 work truck. $975.
476-2347. FORD F100 1979-Excellent shape, $1475. 296-7882 FORD F100 '79. AT. V8, clean as they comet: FORD F150 CUSTOM '89.
reo, 5speed, won't last at $6950. FORD F-150 LARIAT 1991, 5 loaded, factory warranty, brand new, $10,500. Ben 642-7969 agt FORD F150 XLT LARIAT '89. Loaded Iwb factory, air, all power, $8995 ART8 SUTHERLIN MAZDA 929-1111 FORD F150 XLT Lariat 1988 00K 826 FORD F150 XLT Lariat 1988 00K mi. Many options.
$6990. Call 936-9901. FORD F150 XLT LARIAT 1990-Clean, loaded, longbed, ner, tool box, B0 992-2052 1 FORD F150 XLT '88. Tutone, must see to believe, 37k miles! $9060. FORD F150 XLT '88.
6cyl, Cass. $5990 SANDY SPRGS TOYOTA 847- FORD F150 1989-90K auto. V-8, 1st $4995. 3MIH 963-1562 or 476-4302-W. FORD F150 1990-4x4, 351 fuel lected.
Looded, SWB. $11,750. 912-268-7433. 912-268-6892 FORD F150 '88. 300 6cyl.
5speed work truck, xtra clean! FORD F2 1948 Pick Up Trucks Wonderful restoration proiect, original motor parts, 949-2544, after 5 FORD F250 LARIAT 1990 4 supercab, fully loaded, factory towing package. $13,750. 366-3713. FORD F250 1976, XLT Ranger) A ton. LWB, recently rebuilt motor trans.
New tires, PS, PB, AT, Cass. Runs great looks good. Extras. for 2 days only. 458-8011 ext.
354. FORD F-350 Diesel. flatbed stake sides, exc. cond. $6500 firm.
760-9805. FORD F350 1990, diesel, crew red, captains chairs, fully loader 16K mi, $16,500. 912-452-4039. FORD RANCHERO PU Looks good, new tires, asking $1250. (H) 482-5814; Page FORD RANGER XLT 1986- tended cab, V-6 air, PS, cruise tilt.
$4300. 473-7597 FORD RANGER XLT 1989-X cal exc. cond. Tanu cover bedliner. Asking $8000.
422-9009 FORD RANGER XLT AWFM cass, 68K mi, tires, 995-8804. FORD Ranger XLT 1990. AWFM stereo, 26K $7500. Call 489-8500, 489-1344 FORD RANGER XLT '83. Autor AC, LWB, bedliner, stepbumper, 2 tone, very economical, runs great.
$3888. FORD RANGER 1985. 5-sp. very good truck. $1,995 Call Steve, 425-8989.
FORD RANGER 1987. White, good, $2650. Call Scott or 659-3673 FORD RANGER 1988, pickups 5spd, 22k mi, bedliner, no AC. $4,000, days 730-5057; eves 204-3709 FORD RANGER '83, V6. 16M mileage.
PB, PS, air, new tires. $1850. Call 427-7237 FORD RANGER '88. 939 Red, 5sp, 60k, $3695. JIM ELLIS MAZDA FORD XLT LARIAT 1991, completely loaded, all power, mi, auto, shortbed, 478-9939 75K mi warranty.
$11,800. Steves FORD XLT LARIAT '89 Blocki 6cyl, stick, your wholesale bid of $6200 will buy. Can be seen and driven at C.A.R.S. AUCTION 441-2277 MATE FORD XLT LARIAT '89. Pickin air, stereo, wheels.
loaded, black, FORD 250 1981-6 cylinder, with service body hitch. Excel lent cond. No air. Ready to use. $2850.
Call 873-1439. GMC SIERRA SLE 1988. Black. owner. Under 25,000 miles.
Short wheel base. Fully loaded. $9850 Exc. cond. 471-6840.
GMC $-15 '85. Pickup, SWB, PS, PB, alum wheels, sport stripes: bed liner, economical, $3868. GMC 1966, HURRY! Collector's Truck. Good cond, $800 neg. Sere ous inq only.
404-562-1410 aft 6pm. ISUZU PICKUP '88. 5sp, stereo 43k mi. Great work truck. $3995 WILLETT TOYOTA ISUZU P'UP 4x4 LS '87.
5spd, stereo, slid Rr window, only miles, 1 owner, $6288. ISUZU '88-36K, AC, rear Call 627-9308. ISUZU 1M. auto, extras exc. cond.
cargo box, 20.000 miles. $15,800. 299-5593. ISUZU 1990 Need cash? pay anyone $500 to assume lease years left, or $5900. mi, 5spd, AMVFM cass.
ISUZU 1991 pickup custom only 7,000 miles. Like new. obo. Call 633-0028. JEEP COMMANCHE '87.
auto, V-6. Ready to gol $5025 WILLETT TOYOTA 299-0551 MAZDA 32200 1991, 2900 ml. 5-spd. AC. cass, side wndow Ike new, $7495 OBO 497-9987 MAZDA '90.
4x4, PU, foUl foct air, loaded, APR. mos, credit 929-1111 MAZDA TRUCK CENTER ATLANTA'S NO.1 VOLUME DEALERS JIM ELLIS MAZDA 590-4450 NISSAN HARDBODY 1990- gray, cass, chrome, mi, perfect cond. $7700. NISSAN HARDBODY. Shortbed, auto, cyl, PS, $5450, 743-3702.
NISSAN CAB '80 Black, miles under 30k, your whale of $7300 will Can be seen and driven at C.A.R.S. AUCTION 441-2277 NISSAN PICKUP 1985, 5spd, and looks good. AC. rodio, wheels. $2.500.
361-2396 evens..