Abbeville Meridional from Abbeville, Louisiana (2024)

THE ABBEVILLE MERIDIONAL Saturday, April 4, 1942, Meridional Established in 1856 Published interests weekly, of every Abbeville Saturday and morning, Vermilion parish, Louisiana. Office, 104 Louisiana. South Washington Street, Abbeville, Telephone 187 Communications of public interest are invited. Such communications must be received before Thursday noon to insure publication in the current issue. Entered as Second Class Matter, at the Post Office, Abbeville, Louisiana, under act of March 3, 1879.

Subscription $1.50 Per Year Floyd D. Edwards Owner Mgr. Floyd D. Edwards Editor Ralph R. Bienvenu Asst.

Mgr. National Advertising Representative Chicazo Detroit Atlanta Phila Saturday, April 4, 1942. 11 a. m. Service and ad10 a.

Church School. ministration of the Lord's Supper. 8:00 p. The Young People will give a very interesting Easter program. Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock the W.

S. C. S. will have a business meeting at the church. 8 p.

m. Thursday- Choir, practice. A cordial welcome extended to all. The offering Sunday will be given as is our custom, to the support of the Methodist orphanage at Ruston. We have about 200 children in this orphanage.

They are looking to for a fair chance at life. Won't you please help us see to it that they get this chance? Don't forget these orphan children Easter Sunday. METHODIST CHURCH J. A. McCormack, Pastor Easter Sunday, April 5 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Easter Sunday, April 5, 1942 The annual Easter Service of the Abbeville Presbyterian Church will be held Sunday morning at 11:00 o'- clock.

Special Easter programs will be used at this service. The pastor will preach on the subject, "Death And The Sunday School will convene at 10:00 a. m. The public is cordially invited to these services. NUNEZ 4-H CLUB By Emma Lou Vincent Members of the Nunez Club were entertained at an Easter Party April 1 and an Egg Hunt April 2.

The entertainment committee members appointed at a meeting March 30 who were in charge of the entertainment were Irene Meaux, Edward Barras, and Emma Lou Vincent. GEM PHONE THEATRE 63 HOME OWNED OPERATED Entertainment is VITAL to effective defense! Motion pictures are your best entertainment. SATURDAY, APRIL 4 DOUBLE FEATURE "TEXAS MARSHALL" with TIM McCOY "LAW of the TIMBER" with MONTE BLUE BIG MIDNIGHT SHOW BUD ABBOTT and LOU COSTELLO in "RIDE 'EM COWBOY" SUN. MON. TUES.


PHONE 187 nicest courtesy you can show your guests from out of town is to have The their visits 1 mentioned on this local page. The nicest courtesy you cam show your let them learn of your visit through this page whenever you leave on friends. is to Abbeville Meridional will consider it a courtesy whenever you will give us The of any kind. Just phone 187 or drop us a postal card. an item Mr.

and Mrs. Al Scheidt are visiting relatives and friends in New Orleans this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Stringer and daughter of Shreveport were guests for the week-end at the home of Mrs.

W. J. Holmes. Mrs. R.

E. Putnam and Mr. Walter Putnam were visitors in Lafayette Saturday. Mr. R.

I. Tanner and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Brasseux and daughter were the guests of friends in Lafayette Sunday. Mrs.

J. N. Greene is visiting relatives and friends New Orleans. Miss May Smiley was a visitor in Lafayette Saturday. Mr.

Jules Weill, Mr. and Mrs. ry guests Weill at and the Miss home Freda, were and Mrs. Abram Heyman in Alexandria Sun-! day. Returning they were accompanied by Mrs.

Jules Weill who had been visiting there for the past two weeks. Mrs. 0. A. Broussard Mrs.

Richard Fleming and son, Ronnie, Mrs. Roy Broussard were guests for the day, Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Broussard in Campti. Miss Ruth Thomas was the guest last week-end of Miss Irene Kerney in Lake Charles.

Mrs. W. W. Durke and daughter, Willie Mae, Mrs. Jules LeBlanc, visited in Lafayette and New Iberia Sunday.

Miss Beverly Young and Robert J. Young, students of Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, are spending the Easter holidays here with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Young.

Mr. and Mrs. Olivier Broussard of Rayne, were the guests of relatives here Monday. Mr. and Mrs.

Young Broussard, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dyson, Arnold Chauviere and Cleve Thibodeaux were visitors in New Orleans Monday. Mr. and Mrs.

Clifton Vest of New Iberia were guests at the home and Mrs. Vincent C. Jennaro Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Fuselier of this city, accompanied by Mrs. Fuselier's sister, Miss Jimmie Fowler of Lafayette were the guests of relatives in Lake Charles last week-end. Miss Virginia Latour is spending the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.

I. Latour Charles. Mr. F. W.

Kerksieck motored to Baton Rouge Wednesday. Returning he was accompanied daughters, Ann and Ellen, L. S. U. students, who will spend the Easter holidays here with their parents.

Miss Jessie Mae Lutgring of Lafayette spent last week-end here with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Miller and baby visited relatives and friends here this week.

Miss Elia Landry, Mrs. Lloyd Harrington and sons, Jimmy and Jerry were the guests of relatives in Kaplan Sunday. Sgt. Melvin Barrilleaux left Tuesday for Camp Bowie, Texas, following a visit here with his mother, Mrs. A.

A. Barrilleaux. Mr. Otis Holser of Lake Charles spent ast week-end here with friends. Emery Hebert of Camp Polk, spent last week-end here with Mrs.

Hebert. Mr. Leo P. and Mr. E.

E. Broussard of Gueydan were business visitors here Tuesday. Mr. Lionel Laperouse of Lafayette attended Mrs. M.

to L. business Thomas here spent end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Marchand at their home in Crowley.

Mr. Robert Rusca of Rayne was a visitor here last week-end. Mrs. E. A.

Latour was: a guest last week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Latour in Kaplan.

Mr. Dan Nunez of Franklin is spending the week-end here with relatives and friends. Miss Willie Mae Durke and Bengie Frederick were out-of-town visitors Monday. Miss Nancy Foley, student of Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, is spending Easter holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Foley. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lafleur spent last week-end with relatives in Kaplan. Miss Virginia Latour was a guest of friends in New Iberia last weekend.

Mrs. W. B. Mitchell and daughters, Wanda Rae and Peggy of New Orleans are spending the Easter holidays here with Mr. Mitchell's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Lulu Dutel. Mrs. Allie R. Griffin motored to Morgan City for a visit with Mrs.

Earl Shatticard, and Mrs. Greta Turkerson. Trooper Sidney J. Simon, formerly of Abbeville now with Louisiana State Police Troop A of Baton Rouge visited relatives here this week. Mr.

Ben Frederick was a business visitor in Alexandria Wednesday. Wally Lopez Eddie Hulin and Doris Hulin of New Iberia visited friends here Sunday. Miss Lana Broussard of Henry visited relatives and friends in St. Martinville last week-end. Ellie Theriot arrived here Saturday from the Bermuda Island where he was employed for the past eight.

months in a civilian job on a boat. Mr. Theriot is here with his wife, the former Dorothy Menard, and their oneyear-old son, Allen. Miss Neddie Roberts is visiting relatives and friends in New Orleans. JOSEPH B.

DUHON PROMOTED IN NAVY Joseph B. Duhon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Whitney A. Duhon 123 North State Street, Abbeville, has been advanced to the rate of Seaman first class in the United States Navy, according to word rereived recently from the U.

S. Naval Air Station, Corpus Christi Texas. The 20-year-old Abbeville, La. youth enlisted in the Navy on March 31, 1941. After his recruit training and instruction at the San Diego (California) Naval Training, Station he was selected to attend the Aviation Machinist Mate School at the same station.

Duhon has been stationed at the Navy's gigantic new "University of the Air" at Corpus Christi since October 29, 1941. do Completion of an study in Seamanship made intensive, for his latest promotion, which carries with it considerable increase in pay and rates him as a first class seaman. Duhon is one of the thousands of young men throughout the nation today who are learning a profitable trade and at the same time serving their country through enlistment in the Navy. Offering more than 40 trade courses, the navy is fully equipped to give these men an excellent technical training. VERMILION WOMAN HAS 329 SURVIVORS Maurice.

Funeral services were held at the St. Alphonsus Catholic church here Saturday afternoon at five o'clock for Mrs. Alexandre Dartez, nee Anastie Hebert, aged 97 years, ten months and nine days, who died at her residence in the fourth ward of Vermilion parish Saturday morning. The rites were conducted by the Reverend P. M.

Gruel, pastor. Burial was in the Maurice Cemetery. Surviving her are five sons J. A. Dartez, Aurelie Dartez of Abbeville, Gabriel and Felix of the fourth ward, Onezime of Port Arthur, Texas; a daughter, Mrs.

Leon Broussard of Abbeville; 79 grandchildren, 190 great-grandchidren, 53 great-greatgrandchildren, and one great-greatgreat-grandchild. The funeral arrangements were in charge of D. L. Meaux of Kaplan. NO CHANGE IN APRIL BLUE FOOD STAMP LIST Participants of the Department of Agriculture's foods stamp program will be able to purchase the same Blue Stamp Foods during April as they did in March, Charles T.

Stowe, area supervisor, Agricultural Marketing Administration, Distribution Branch, said today. The complete list of blue stamp foods as issued by the Agricultural Marketing Administration for the period of April 1 through April 30 in all stamp program areas, is as follows: butter, shell eggs, fresh grapefruit, pears, apples, oranges, and fresh vegetables (including potatoes), corn meal, dried prunes, hominy (corn) grits, dry edible beans, wheat flour, enriched wheat flour, self-rising flour, enriched self-rising flour, and whole wheat (graham) flour. Mr. Stowe, commenting on the various programs of the A. M.

said the agency is materially helping farmers of this area and the entire nation, by creating and maintaining local and national food markets which assure him a fair return on his investment for food and fiber grown under the Food for Freedom program. A. M. A. buys all food for Lend-Lease, Red Cross, School Lunch and Direct Distribution.

Distribution of food to needy school children and American families who do not have an adequate diet is serving the dual purpose of helping the American farmer and building a stronger, healthier nation, he said. KAPLAN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS By Mary Lou Meaux It is true that we, as students are unable to help our country, by enlisting in our army forces, but we are able to help "whip the Japs" by investing our money in defense stamps and bonds. After a brief meeting of the leaders of our school, it was decided that each home room should elect a representative, who would plan for the selling of defense stamps and the encouragement of the selling of bonds. At the defense meeting the following plans were adopted and have now been put into effect: It was decided that a booth would be made and put up in the corner of the High School Study Hall. Each period one person from the defense committee is stationed at this booth and this person has charge of selling the stamps.

Contests of different kinds have been conducted in order to encourage the pupils to invest their money in stamps. Though stamps are not sold at the school building, as much encouragement as possible is given to the pupils in order to increase their sale. As a result of the project, over three hundred dollars worth of stamps and approximately two thousand dollars worth of bonds have been sold. The Kaplan High School is proud of the work it is doing to help our government for its pupils have learned that every stamp kills a Jap. During the last war the United States had to obtain 42 strategic materials from foreign sources.

Research has contributed to national self to the point where today there are only 14 such materials on the list. A new world's record for blast furnace production, was established recently large steel company. The furnace produced 41,782 net tons of pig iron in a single month, breaking a previous record of 41,701 tons. Secure Defense Bonds Today -for Their Security and Yours! Let the Liberty. Bell Sound the Axis Death-Knell! Master Mason Degree Conferred On Member Here Members of the degree.

team of Polar Star Lodge No. New Orleans, Louisiana's oldest Masonic Lodge, conferred the Master Mason Degree on a member of the local lodge at ceremonies Sunday afternoon attended by approximately 200 members representing 27 Louisiana lodges nine other lodges from five other states who are visiting in South Louisiana. The ceremonies were under the leadership of Julius O. Hedt, D. D.

G. and were held in the Abbeville Elementary, attending gymnasium were here. John Among W. Armstrong and David W. Haas, past grand masters; B.

Y. Wolf, deputy grand master; Peter Lagueur, Gr. Secretary; J. A. Taylor, grand lecturer; Gordon Smith and J.

O. Hedt, deputy grand masters; Hugh H. Milier, grand pursuivant. Worshipful Master James R. Sewell of Abbeville Lodge No.

192, the host lodge, presided at the meeting, and the address of welcome in the French language was by G. J. Ledet of Oreans ville. Charles Villas of New responded in French. The entire ceremony for the conferring of the Masonic Degree was in the French language.

Following the ritualistic ceremonies addresses were made by B. Y. Wolff, Dave Haas, D. Peter Lagueur, James Sewell, Gordon Smith, J. 0.

Hedt, Ralph Agate and other visitors. The Abbeville Lodge was presented a One Hundred Percent Banner in recognition for its success in reaching the goal in the Grand Lodge Temple Finance program. Deputy Grand Master Benjamin Y. Wolf who presented the banner congratulated the Abbeville Masons upon being the second lodge in South Louisiana to receive a One Hundred Percent Banner. The banner was received by Worshipful Master Sewell in behalf of the Abbeville Lodge.

The officers of the Abbeville Lodge who assisted in the entertainment of the visitors in addition to Worshipful Master Sewell were G. P. Sledge, S. G. J.

Ledet, J. and J. Sidney Gross, secretary. A. J.

Melancon Gets Position In Avoyelles Parish A. J. Melancon extension farm a- gent of the Louisiana State Rice Milling Company, of Abbeville, has accepted a position with the county agent's office in Marksville serving the parish of Avoyelles, it was announced here. Mr. Melancon will report for his new position April 15.

A graduate of Louisiana State university, Mr. Melancon served as assistant county a- gent in Vermilion parish several years before accepting the position as head of the extension division of the Louisiana State Rice, Milling Company which was established to develop livestock and agriculture and to study a more diversified use of rice and rice by-products. Mr. and Mrs. Melancon and their five sons will move to Marksville in the next few days.

He was a member of the Abbeville Rotary Club and was active in community affairs here. HENRY 4-H CLUB NEWS By Joyce LeBlanc A special meeting was held Monday, March 28. The purpose of the meeting was to elect new officers and also discuss achievement day with the members who couldn't attend. Officrs elected are: Stella Touchet, president; Donald Brasseaux, dent; Georgia Lee, secretary; Joyce LeBlanc, reporter; Audrey Audrey Brasseaux, assistant reporter; Moss and Lenis Moss, program committee. We came back from achievement day very proud, because last year we ranked sixth in the points and this year we came up to third, although we had only 36 members.

This year we are expecting to have new members enter and work to rank first. We had 12,220 points with Meaux and E. Broussard holding first and second place respectively. ABBEVILLE GARDEN CLUB TO MEET APRIL 13 By W. B.

MacMillan The regular meeting of the Abbeville Garden Club as reported last week will be held in the City Hall Monday evening, April 13. Louisiana Native Iris are beginning to bloom. Let the fans be on the lookout for new hybrids that have developed in the marshes. Don't destroy these beauties, and don't take all in any clump, but bring some in and take care of them so we will have them for next season. Mr.

Ira S. Nelson from the Department of Horticulture at S. L. I. will be the guest speaker in Louisiana native iris.

Bring some displays to the meeting with you. Select a container that will show them off to advantage. The State meeting of the Mary Swords Debeillon Louisiana Iris Society will be held at S. L. I.

on April 18 and 19. All members are invited to attend and they are permitted to take guests, especially prospective members. TAX PAYERS Please call at the Assessor's Office on or before April 15 and sign your Homestead Exemption. Every bonafide occupied home owner is entitled to the consideration. Sincerely yours, JULES J.

BROUSSARD 4-11np Assessor, Vermilion Parish. Too little; too late; too bad! There still is time to buy U. S. Defense Bonds and Stamps. ABBEVILLE F.

A. TEAM WINNER OF SPEAKING CONTEST Members of the Abbeville F. F. team who in A. liamentary proceduPlace and the parday speaking night will contests meet Erath Friheld in public elimination contests in winners of other meeting in Gueydan, it was announe- district a ed.

winning Members the of the Abbeville included Irby Luquette, L. J. procedure parliamentary traz, reaux, Henry Chester Gautreaux Broussard, Luke DeGaut- Baudoin. Edwin Lutgring and Edmond public speaking contest. won in the The school teams the elimination contest participating in included those from in Erath Broussard, Bayou, Erath E.

Abbeville, Gueydan. Abbeville's, winning team and was under supervision of Profes. sor Otis Broussard, advisor for F. F. A.

chapter. the visor Supt. George J. H. Williams, Parish Superel Sudduth, and Mrs.

Lion. lic Berry speaking were the contest. judges for the puband County Sandy Oubre Vermilion were Agent J. D. Sobert of judges for the parliamentary procedure contest.

The teams from Acadia, Jefferson Davis and Vermilion parishes will participate in the district contest in Gueydan, it was announced. Mr. and Mrs. M. L.

Thomas were visitors in New Iberia Mr. Harry Bohrer and son, Benny were business visitors in New Orleans Tuesday. Private Frank Dronet, of Camp Bowie, Texas, his mother, Mrs. Adlar Dronet, Miss Helen Dronet and Dewey Mouton, of Kaplan visited relatives and friends in Youngsville. Mrs.

W. W. Durke and daughter, Willie Mae, Mrs. J. D.

Bourgeois and son, Emmitte and Bengie Frederick motored to New Iberia Wednesday. Returning they were accompanied by Mrs. Paul Bourgeois of Slidell who will spend the Easter Holidays here with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs.

George Sudduth, Mr. Paul U. Bourque and Jimmie Vorhoff are visiting relatives in Monroe. Mrs. Herbert Pickett and young daughter, Patricia Ann returned Wednesday from a visit with relatives in New York, N.

Y. Mrs. Roy A. Bunt returned Thursday to her home in Lafayette following a visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. M. Moss. Dr. and Mrs.

Eugene L. Eleazar announced the birth of a daughter, Yvette Leontine, Monday, March 30, at the Abbeville Clinic. Mr. and Mrs. Ignace David and son, Roland Dell and Mrs.

A. Langlinais spent last week-end in Houston, Tex. They were accompanied by Mrs. Ophe David who spent the week-end with her son and daughter-in-law, 1 Mr. and Mrs.

Clifford David in Port Arthur, Texas. Mrs. Enus Mayard, who has been confined to her bed for several weeks is convalescing rapidly. Second Lieutenant Robert E. May of the U.

S. Army visited here this week with Mrs. May and children. Student at Tulane University, William Charles Miller, con Medical Orleans, is spending the Easter holidays here at the home of his brotherin-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.

Vincent C. Jennaro. Robert Dyer Students and David LaBouisse, Medical of Tulane sity, New Orleans, visited Mr. Dyer's aunts Misses Kate and Mabel Young here Thursday and Friday, enroute to Houston, Texas where they will spend the Easter Holidays with relatives and friends. Mr.

Mrs. J. Otto Broussard, and family and Mr. J. Otto Broussard spent the week-end at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. George J. Shaumberg in Beaumont, Texas. VERMILION STUDENTS NAME OFFICERS FOR SOUTHWESTERN CLUB Lafayette, dents from several parishes organized at Southwestern Louisiana Institute here prior to leaving for their homes this week for the Easter vacation. Officials were elected in each instance.

The officers of the Vermilion parish are Ardley Hebert, Theall, president; Marian Moist, Abbeville, vicepresident; Summerall Guidry, Abbeville, secretary; Burleigh Sonnier, Erath treasurer. G. J. DUCREST, COMPLETES COURSE G. J.

Ducrest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Galbert J. Ducrest, of Abbeville, has received his diploma from the U. S.

Naval Radio Training School at San California, it was announced here. Ducrest who is eighteen years old and a graduate of the A Abbeville high school joined the U. S. Navy last July. He completed the radio course with a scholastic average of 97.5 the announcement stated.

Popularly known as "Duck" the youth was a member of the Abbeville high school boxing team and participated in the district tournament at Southwestern. MRS. LEGE ENTERTAINS Entertaining at her home on South Main Street Mrs. M. J.

Lege was hostess to the members of her Tuesday Afternoon Club. Those present were: Mrs. Marcus A. Broussard, Mrs. Andrew Broussard, Mrs.

F. J. Montagne, Mrs. J. E.

Kibbe, Mrs. Theophile Baudoin, Mrs. Floyd D. Edwards, Mrs. Lloyd Dore, and Mrs.

Robert J. Young. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED Durwood Reeve Duck was the honoree at a delightful party Saturday, March 28, given at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Duck, in celebration of his first birthday.

Games were played and ice cream and cake were served to the following young guests: Beverly Ann Desormeaux, Ralph Sagrera, Vickie Ann Miller, Daniel Hargett, Norma and Lloyd Naplish, Walden Hebert, Shirley LeBlanc, Murlene Broussard, Maxie Blachette, and Eleanor Ann Gaspard. The ladies assisting Mrs. Duck were Mrs. Don Miller, Mrs. Gertrude Pesson, Mrs.

Lloyd Hargett, Mrs. Ralph Sagrera, Miss Marjorie Hebert, Mrs. Paul Hebert, Miss Thelma Faulk, Mrs. Essay Desormeaux, Mrs. Ray Frederick and Miss Mae Broussard.

Our boys at the front need a steady flow of supplies. You can assure this by systematic purchase of U. S. Defense Bonds and Stamps. 1 RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT In memory of Sister Sarah Reeves.

who died February 21, 1942: Death has again entered our ter Hall and called to the Eternal ChapHome a dearly beloved Sister, who has completed her faithful labor here i in ministering to the cry of the orphan, to the call of want and to the piteous. wail of sorrow, and as a recompense has the welcome plaudit, "well from the Great Master. And Whereas, the loving Father has called our beloved and respected Sister home, and she having been a true and faithful member of our Mystic Order, therefore be it. Resolved, That Lizzie Chapter No. 11, Order of the Eastern Star, of Abbeville, in testimony of its loss, draped its Charter in mourning for thirty days, and that we tender to the family our sincere condolence in their deep affliction, and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family.

OLGA ERATH ELRITA STANSBURY ANNIE MAE KNIGHTEN RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT In memory of Sister Pauline Montgomery, who died February 18, 1942. Death has again entered our chapter Hall and called to the Eternal Home a dearly beloved sister, who has completed her faithful labor here in ministering to the cry of orphan, to the call of want and to the piteous wail of sorrow, and as a recompense has received the welcome plaudit, "well done" from the Great Master. And Whereas, the loving Father has called our beloved and respected sister home, and she having been a true and faithful member of our Mystic Order, therefore 1 be it Resolved, That Lizzie Chapter No. 11, Order of the Eastern Star, of Abbevile, testimony of its loss, drape its Charter in mourning for thirty days, and that we tender to the family our sincere condoence in their deep affliction, and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the fanily. OLGA ERATH ELRITA STANSBURY ANNIE MAE KNIGHTEN MT.

CARMEL 4-H NEWS By Therese Harrington First place winners in the Achievement Day contests from Mt. Carmel were: Harold Sellers and Roland LeBlanc, senior boys' demonstration team; Jeanette Montagne school dress senior division; Kay LeBlane, health, senior division; Catherine Scalisi, meat identification, senior division; Velma Langlinais, meat identification, junior division; and Therese Harrington, party dress, senior division. Plans for the next monthly meeting of the Mt. Carmel Club were made at a special meeting held on March 31. FORKED ISLAND 4-H NEWS Opal Ann Campbell Dorothy Mae Dartez writes the following: "This year I am growing a gardento help the family.

I grow this garden to leave the other foods for the allies. I think it is better to grow these gardens to help our families. I have planted tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce, English onions, Chinese cabbage, turpeas, nips, beets, snap beans, parsley, leeks, that these things will help the allies eggplants and sweet peppers. I think to win the war. The government has asked all the families to plant different things in their gardens.

I will keep on planting in my garden and do my part for the 4-H club work. I intend to can all the surplus vegetables." PHYSICS CLUB MEMBERS PLAN TOUR OF THIS AREA By J. V. Guillote, Jr. President Maxie Gisclair announced members of the Physics Club at a to meeting March 30 that plans were being made for a tour of interesting of the last points in this read area.

Secretary Pearl Minutes meeting by Guidry were approved. If a health belt, ATTENTION Surgical you support or Maternity Conmust wear set, be fitted by a corsetiere. Camp your Garments recommended by For a dress corset and try physicians. a "Formfit" for smartness comfort. HUGHES, INC.


Abbeville Meridional from Abbeville, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.